About Us

Our Vision

Seven rivers once flowed through Hiroshima.
The memories that were engraved in the land of Hiroshima are remembered by the rivers. 


Through the experience of sharing these memories with people from all over the world, our mission is to think about what ‘peace’ is for each one of us, to share thoughts, and to create a ‘peaceful’ society with others, each of us as our true selves. Our mission is to create such a space for learning.


Just as a drop of water collects and forms a river, when each one of us come together, we believe that it will become the 8th river that flows from Hiroshima, a flow that will become a force of power to create peace.


Who We Are

We were born and raised in Hiroshima.

The word ‘peace’ has been around us ever since we were small children.


We have always thought that a ‘world without nuclear weapons’ and a ‘world without war’ was ‘peace’.


But when we see so much pain, suffering and violence happening in the world today,

and what ‘peace’ might look like for each person in their daily lives,

we began to wonder,


What does peace mean to me?

What does peace mean to my friends?

What is peace for a community?

What is peace for a country?

What is peace for the earth?


What does peace mean in the first place?


And we were left with a big question.


In the course of sharing thoughts with the many people who visit Hiroshima to learn about the city, we began to notice that Hiroshima is not only a place where calls for a ‘world without nuclear weapons’ and a ‘world without war’ is voiced, but also a place where people’s voices can be heard, accepted, and embraced. A place where people could feel safe to tell their stories.


We, together with everyone, want to create a space for learning, where each person can exchange words, share stories, and reverberate with one other, and search together for the answer to the question ‘What is peace?’ 


With these thoughts, we will continue our work.


Kanade Kurozumi

Chairperson of the Board

Peace education facilitator, photographer, videographer, writer, storyteller.

Born in Hiroshima. After graduating from the City University of New York with a degree in film studies and working in the media industry as a photographer based in New York City, she returned to Japan in 2011 after living in the U.S. for eight years. She began her involvement in the field of peacebuilding in Hiroshima by interpreting A-bomb testimonies. In 2014, she received her M.A. in American Literature from Hiroshima University. In 2021, she flew to Costa Rica with her then 3-year-old son and husband. She earned a Master's degree in Transdisciplinary Social Development from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines and a Master's in Peace Education from University for Peace in Costa Rica.
In the spring of 2024, she moved to the countryside with hot springs. Currently, while working as a part-time lecturer at a university in the city, she has been engaged in literary research, translation, interpretation, photography, video, and other verbal and visual expression. She would like to start growing vegetables and rice soon.


Nao Fukuoka

Board Member


Born in Hiroshima. Graduated from Hiroshima University, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. She majored in peace studies and other subjects, and conducted research on indigenous people in French Polynesia who were exposed to radiation as workers at nuclear test sites. In 2014, she participated in the “Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World: Peace Boat Hibakusha Project”sponsored by the NGO Peace Boat, as a Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons. This was followed by a series of interviews on the realities of the situation of hibakusha in French Polynesia, South Korea, and Hawaii. Since 2016, she has planned and implemented peace education programs at elementary, junior high, high schools, and universities in and outside Hiroshima Prefecture, and also works as the local coordinator for the Hiroshima ICAN Academy, co-organized by Hiroshima Prefecture and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Currently, she manages the Iniabi Farm in Akitakata, Hiroshima, where she provides peace education programs that encourage learning about ecosystems through agriculture, and address social issues related to environmental problems and agricultural/food production.


Shizuka Matsunami

Board Member

Born and raised in Hiroshima.
She has been involved in the overall operations of Gallery G (Naka-ku, Hiroshima) since 2009. As a semi-public gallery open to the community, she continues to host and organize exhibitions of multiple genres, not only local but also national and international artists. In 2021, she set up the website ‘Hiroshima Art Scene’, which she continues to run with other volunteers. In 2024, she became a freelancer and works as an exhibition coordinator, as well as a production and research assistant. Each day, she feels the possibility and importance of thinking about Hiroshima through artworks. In 8th River Hiroshima, she provides administrative support for various programs.


Mirei Tashiro

Board Member


Born and raised mostly in Hiroshima. She currently works as a freelance researcher, interpreter, translator focused primarily on the history and peace related topics in Hiroshima. Also involved in various peace education programs as a coordinator. Representative of the committee for the play, "Grandchildren of Hiroshima," a play based on hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) interviews.

She can't seem to stop buying books. Bakes super-delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies sometimes. Likes most warm-blooded animals. Loves food and enjoy sake. Living each day blessed with wonderful, understanding friends, family and colleagues. Greatest loves in life are her two daughters. She has recently been thinking about letting her tingling inner self seep out through photos, drawings and raw writings.


Miki Kanamori

Public Relations Manager

Born and raised in Hiroshima. She currently works as a freelance writer, video translator, and PR specialist.

She studied American culture, Hiroshima and peace, and mass media theory at the Faculty of International Studies at Hiroshima City University. Subsequently, joined the German photographer Thomas Damn's project named “Black Rain Hibakusya - out of the shadow,” focusing on black rain victims who were not officially recognized as Hibakusha. In the project, she worked as an interpreter, assisted with interviews and filming, and contributed to writing English-Japanese articles. She continues to assist with English-Japanese translation for exhibitions in Germany.

Pursued graduate studies at Hiroshima University, earning a master's degree in American literature.

Worked at a food manufacturer company in Public Relations for four years, before transitioning to her current freelance career.

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8th River Hiroshima


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